About Saint Dionysus

Who am I

My name is not Saint Dionysus, but that is the psyudenum I have been writing queer theory and discourse under since 2017. You can call me Saint. I'm not certain how much I want to share about myself on this page. Or online in general. A lot of information about me and my personal life have been shared online without my permission and I'm not in the habit of making it easier for people to dox me, to be honest.

I am, at the time of writing this, in my mid 20s. I have known I was a trans man since I was 19 and I have lived as a trans man in "real-life" since the age of 21 - when I started Testosterone. I got top surgery two years after that, at the age of 23. I have not had bottom surgery but it is something I plan to get in the near future. Prior to life as a trans man, I lived as a butch lesbian and breifley as a bisexual nonbinary person. Despite the fact that a reletivly short period of my life has been spent as a transgender man, it has been incrediibly impactful to my over-all life. Weather that be personal life, my fincial standing, my material reality, and the way that I exist in the world and in certain communities. A lot of the writing I have produced is a reflection of these impacts.

Why did I start this website

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