THE FTM DICKTIONARY: or a glossery of trans* terms used
AFAB – Assigned Female at Birth
Aiden – (derogatory) A transgender man, typically used by TERFs and to refer to trans men and used by transandrophobic queer people to describe masculine trans-men in a negative way. Term comes from Aiden being a common chosen name for masc trans men. NOTE: After the 2023 shooting by Aiden Hale, a closeted transgender man, this term now carries even worse allegations by those who use it as a deragative towards transgender men.
Alphabet boy (dergatory) – A queer man, typically under the age of 20. Or a “mouthy” trans man.
AMAB – Assigned Male at Birth
Androgel – Testosterone gel that is adsorbed into the skin to produce masculinizing effects (see also: Boy gel; Boy Jelly)
ASAB – Assigned Sex at Birth
Ashwagandha - An herb used by some transmasculine people as a form of HRT. See further information about Ashwagandha here.
Autoandrophilia – A term used to refer to a person who is sexually aroused by the idea of being male. Often used to misgender trans men and imply their identity is a fetish. Coined by Blanchard followers. (See Also: Autogynephilia. See Also: Autohomoeroticism. See Also: Fujo)
Autogynephilia – A term used to refer to a person who is sexually aroused by the idea of being female. Often use to misgender trans women and imply their identity is a fetish. Coined by Blanchard. (See Also: Autoandrophilia)
Autohomoeroticism – A term used to refer to a person who is sexually aroused by the idea of being a gay man. Often used to misgender gay transgender men and imply their identity is a fetish. Coined by Blanchard. (See Also: Autoandrophilia. See Also: Fujo )
Bind – To cover the chest area with a binder or other restrictive material, in order to masculinize the shape of the chest.
Boi – (Rarely derogatory) A word used to describe transmasculine people who identify more with boyhood than manhood or a transmasculine lesbian. Also used to describe: A boyish lesbian, A submissive butch/transmasc in the BDSM community, A young or recently our transgender man, a young or gender diverse bisexual or gay person. Sometimes used as a derogatory term to imply that trans men are not “real boys” or to infantize transgender men
Bottom Surgery –